Top Features of VOIP business Phone

Are you increasing your VoIP system? Are you aware of all the various VoIP call features that you get by your service provider? More importantly, if you use these features effectively.

What are the Top VOIP business Phone Features?

If VoIP powers your business communications, there are certain features of VoIP essential call you do not want to ignore.

v Inbound Rules / Call Routing:

Inbound rules allow you to route incoming/incoming calls to a specific location based on several factors. For example, you can trasfer the calls from particular callers to a temporary extension.

With 3CX, for example, you can route calls based on caller ID, DID number, or the number of the main stem.

The client company can transfer to a system where they always get priority support from a live agent while other users can rout to a system where they have to deal with IVR. This means you can transfer only urgent problems to a real-life agent means that support can be given to those who are in need.

v Call Reporting / Analytics:

 One of the right main points of using VoIP is that you have immediate access to analysis and reporting on your system’s calls. It will help you analyze the performance of individual and collective agents and ensure customer satisfaction.

You can review the wealth of data that includes missed calls or abandoned, average talk time, callback queue, average wait time queuing, and call distribution data. It gives you a limit to detailed information about agent performance and allows you to make the necessary changes to improve customer experience and satisfaction.

v Interactive Voice Response:

As the name suggests, interactive voice response (IVR) allows callers to interact with the system using your company’s voice menu. Using a customized pre-recorded greetings, IVR allows callers to have their problems solved without speaking with a live agent.

Using IVR significantly reduces agent calls you have to deal with when giving callers an alternative means to solve their problems automatically. Should the user need to speak directly to an agent, IVR allows you to filter every call to direct to the appropriate department.

v Call Recording:

Sometimes, you want to go beyond just looking at the data and “join in” on some phone calls to see exactly how your agents interact with customers. Therefore, call recording feature allows you to record and analyze the individual call level and better direct your agent about interacting with callers.

v Call Queuing:

The ability to queue the call is essential for large businesses, or businesses that thrive are receiving numerous calls simultaneously.

If your organization receives many calls, you can use multiple calls queuing to put callers in the queue until their demand transfer to the next available agent, not later bounce or go unanswered.

v Call Reports-

Data! As a business, tracking important data to figure out where to direct your company’s time and energy. A managed, cloud-based VoIP phone services can provide bandwidth usage information that allows you to see your data usage over time. Detailed call reports let the inbound and outbound call history view your company’s details. This includes the central rate, duration, originator, destination, and cost.

 v Call Screening-

The call screening feature is not recognized of the VoIP business world that could be useful. It allows you to see the number on the caller ID and choose how to treat it. For example, if your partner calls, you can redirect to your mobile phone number. Or if the caller continues to try to sell the energy supplement, you can decide them.

v Call Conferencing

Most people know about the conference with a VoIP service. But not everyone takes advantage of all the features that may come with it. Often, you can adjust the monitor the conference floor. It allows you to manage invitations, “hand-raise,” turn off the individual, etc. The online conference can be messy and confusing if not you cannot handle properly. So this is a great tool to learn how to use.

v Voice To Email Transcription

Voicemail to email transcription transcribe your voicemail to text and sends it to the email. Take your time and read your email in your spare time.

However, If your organization receives many calls, you can use multiple calls queuing to put callers in the queue. Until their demand transfers to the next available agent, not later bounce or go unanswered.

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